What are the 5 Pieces of Wisdom You’d Offer Someone Younger?

One of our MEA alums (and the former CMO of Airbnb), Jonathan Mildenhall sent me this Upworthy article about advice

Chip Conley

July 20, 2023

What are the 5 Pieces of Wisdom You’d Offer Someone Younger?

I Miss You, Ted Lasso!

It’s no secret that the majority of sports coaches are much older than their players which means they’re often more

Chip Conley

June 7, 2023

I Miss You, Ted Lasso!

Rediscovering Mentorship.

I think the modern world could use a Mentoring School where modern elders are taught how to advise and guide

Chip Conley

June 1, 2023

Rediscovering Mentorship.

A Mentor is a Librarian and a Confidante.

When I’m overwhelmed with inputs, I tend to categorize things. With this firehose of mentorship opportunities cascading my way, I

Chip Conley

October 17, 2022

A Mentor is a Librarian and a Confidante.

Spark Your Curiosity Electricity.

A mentor once said to me ‘Your ‘curiosity electricity’ is infectious’ – this comment got me curious about why and

Nim de Swardt

April 3, 2022

Spark Your Curiosity Electricity.

Shaking The Mentor Tree.

Search for the mentor of someone you admire, and then do a little deeper research on their relationship. For example,

Chip Conley

February 9, 2022

Shaking The Mentor Tree.

Wisdom in the Company of Women.

An invitation to search, be aware, and honor relationships that cause you to become a better and more soulful version

Heather Robertson

November 18, 2021

Wisdom in the Company of Women.

What is a “Confidante” in MEA lingo?

During my time at Airbnb, I started realizing the incalculable power of simultaneously keeping confidences, while also inspiring self-confidence; of

Chip Conley

September 25, 2021

What is a “Confidante” in MEA lingo?

Your Leadership Legacy.

When it comes to our legacy in the workplace, most of our legacy can be traced to the imprint we’ve

Chip Conley

August 17, 2021

Your Leadership Legacy.

“CEO Whisperer” or “Shadow Revealer?”

But then I read the definition of the horse whisperer as a “horse trainer who adopts a sympathetic view of

Chip Conley

June 15, 2021

“CEO Whisperer” or “Shadow Revealer?”

The NBA’s Modern Elder.

What if professional tennis paired stars like Naomi Osaka with seasoned vets like Chris Evert to process what it means

Chip Conley

June 11, 2021

The NBA’s Modern Elder.

I Just Hired a Nearly-70-year-old ‘Mentern.’

I created a branded pitch document titled ‘The Ultimate Intern of 2020’ and it included phrases like: ‘My purpose in

Nim de Swardt

May 4, 2021

I Just Hired a Nearly-70-year-old ‘Mentern.’