Overriding Our Body’s Messages.

I’d broken my ankle at a bachelor party and hadn’t noticed the cut on my leg. I went septic in

Chip Conley

August 22, 2024

Overriding Our Body’s Messages.

Lifespan, Healthspan, “Zestspan”

My friend SARK is a Succulent Wild Woman (the name of one of her books) and she laid this wisdom

Chip Conley

June 14, 2024

Lifespan, Healthspan, “Zestspan”

Cancer Reminds Me I’m Liminal.

But, then, in early February, I was back on the pills and my doctors tell me they won’t really know

Chip Conley

April 24, 2024

Cancer Reminds Me I’m Liminal.

Why Drinking Gets More Treacherous As We Age.

“Moderate drinking”—as defined by the U.S. government—is no more than two drinks per day for men and one drink for

Chip Conley

February 23, 2024

Why Drinking Gets More Treacherous As We Age.

Is Cancer a Curse or a Blessing?

My favorite Christmas gift this year. Every weekday morning for nearly two months, I have dutifully showed up at UCSF’s

Chip Conley

January 12, 2024

Is Cancer a Curse or a Blessing?

How Am I Feeling Halfway Through Nearly 2 Months of Radiation?

Emotional. “Yes, you CAN, SIR!” That was said to me by an immigrant Uber driver on a long drive to

Chip Conley

December 18, 2023

How Am I Feeling Halfway Through Nearly 2 Months of Radiation?

“Chip, You’re Positively Glowing!”

It’s a lot to digest. Normally, at times like these in the past, I might “show off,” but with the

Chip Conley

November 21, 2023

“Chip, You’re Positively Glowing!”

Inoperable Optimism.

The doctor says to Joseph, “Your case is a fascinating and unusual case.” I heard almost the same thing from

Chip Conley

September 25, 2023

Inoperable Optimism.

“Cancer, What Do You Have to Teach Me?”

As most of you know, I have been dealing with a prostate cancer diagnosis over the past five years. Two

Chip Conley

July 6, 2023

“Cancer, What Do You Have to Teach Me?”