What are the 5 Pieces of Wisdom You’d Offer Someone Younger?

One of our MEA alums (and the former CMO of Airbnb), Jonathan Mildenhall sent me this Upworthy article about advice that older people might give to younger people, which reminds

What are the 5 Pieces of Wisdom You’d Offer Someone Younger?

From Outrage to Engage.

There are many reasons why I love living primarily in Mexico. It’s rare to see outrage, especially in our mellow fishing and farming community. And, when we see it, it’s

From Outrage to Engage.

Success is the First Mountain. Purpose is the Second Mountain.

In many ways, Brooks proposed that our midlife crisis is when we realize that the first mountain wasn’t as meaningful as we’d hoped. That’s when the second mountain comes into

Success is the First Mountain. Purpose is the Second Mountain.

“Was This The Right Decision?”

Social science researchers bear this out. When individuals are asked later in life, “When you look back on your life experiences and consider the things you regret, which do you

“Was This The Right Decision?”

The Transformative Power of the Post-Mortem Life.

On September 8, 1994, Chicago Bulls basketball player Bill Wennington was booked on a flight which he missed — USAir flight 427 – which crashed on landing in Pittsburgh, killing

The Transformative Power of the Post-Mortem Life.

The Problem with Happy.

The secret sauce to a great life is not about happiness. It’s about Santosha, an ancient Sanskrit word that means utter contentment. When you find, and ultimately live, Santosha, you

The Problem with Happy.

Are You Middle-Aged? Take This Quiz.

Are you working with people who could be the age of your children? Is your gut instinct growing as quickly as your gut size? Do you slip into “organ recitals”

Are You Middle-Aged? Take This Quiz.

This Summer, Learn How to Become a Flâneur.

The word carries a poetic sense of in-the-moment joy. A flâneur is the ultimate urban awe walker, meandering wherever their senses lead them. Baudelaire described this metropolitan character as a

This Summer, Learn How to Become a Flâneur.

Balancing the Weight of the World with the Wonder of the World.

This past week when our MEA Baja campus was full of wellness vacationers (as part of our new “re*fresh” program that replaces our Sabbatical Sessions), Ron Nakamoto joined us for

Balancing the Weight of the World with the Wonder of the World.

The Dark Night of the Ego.

MEA alum and well-known Christian mystic Richard Rohr suggests that what’s really going on is a “dark night of the ego.” He continues, “Most religions teach in some way that

The Dark Night of the Ego.

Expiring vs. Permanent Skills.

Robert Walter Weir was one of the most popular instructors at West Point in the mid-1800s. Which is odd at a military academy, because he taught painting and drawing. Weir’s

Expiring vs. Permanent Skills.

“Who is the Wisest Person You Know?”

Wisdom resided in people, mostly male (and mostly inaccessible), who had a depth of perception, a knowledge about, as someone described it, “the nature of Self, our place in the

“Who is the Wisest Person You Know?”