Are You a “Spiritual Pluralist?”

So, then, I went to my new best friend, ChatGPT, and asked it (or is it “them”) how to define a spiritual pluralist, and here’s an excerpt of what I

Are You a “Spiritual Pluralist?”

Why You Ought to Come to Baja This Fall.

I have three great reasons why you should book an MEA fall workshop soon: It’s my favorite time of year to be here as it’s green after the late summer

Why You Ought to Come to Baja This Fall.

Rock Till You Drop: Lessons in Peak Performance Aging.

The ModElder curriculum is designed for us to name and claim our wisdom and find ways to relish and share it for decades to come – despite living in an

Rock Till You Drop: Lessons in Peak Performance Aging.

5 Reasons Why “Reframing Retirement” is Valuable.

If you are somewhere between the ages of 40 and 80, I have a golden ticket for you. We have a brand new online course called “Reframing Retirement” and I

5 Reasons Why “Reframing Retirement” is Valuable.

On the Way Up, Humility. On the Way Down, Curiosity.

This particular verse has been an anthem for me throughout my various businesses—Joie de Vivre, Airbnb, and MEA—during times when we appeared to be “knocking it out of the park”

On the Way Up, Humility. On the Way Down, Curiosity.

Some Career Advice to a Modern Elder.

“As a person of ‘significant’ experience, how do I write/position myself as someone who can make a pivot to an assignment in an organization that would fulfill a “meaning and

Some Career Advice to a Modern Elder.

Write a Letter to a Child.

Mirabai Starr is one of the wise New Mexico women MEA hopes to collaborate with as we open our first campus outside Santa Fe next year. Here are a few

Write a Letter to a Child.

Would You Like to Reduce Your Age?

According to this tradition, individuals were considered one year old at birth, and everyone’s age increased collectively on January 1st. For example, if someone was born on December 31st, they

Would You Like to Reduce Your Age?

“How Long Will It Take?” Vs. “How Long Can I Savor It?”

Whoa! I can only imagine what that would be like wearing my post-prostatectomy Depends. Even without the diapers, I can’t imagine it. Curious about this calendar commitment, I asked Jeff,

“How Long Will It Take?” Vs. “How Long Can I Savor It?”

The Signs of Purpose.

Gardner explored the question of why some of us “go to seed” while others remain vital all of our lives. Why do some of us seem to run out of

The Signs of Purpose.

A Matter of Perspective.

The first woman was attractive, well-dressed with impeccable make-up. She was a bit on the vain side and was bemoaning how she would need to have her rings resized because

A Matter of Perspective.

“My Husband Is in His 70s and Won’t Retire. Can I Make Him?”

“I have been married for 50 years and dearly love my husband. We raised two children together and have always worked full time. I retired six months ago in the

“My Husband Is in His 70s and Won’t Retire. Can I Make Him?”