A Response to Chip’s Wisdom Principles & Practices.

1. Life lessons are the raw material for future wisdom.Practice: Review your life experiences weekly, including how they’ll serve you in the future. Ron: Aren’t life lessons relevant today as

A Response to Chip’s Wisdom Principles & Practices.

Travel & Leisure Magazine Loves MEA Baja’s ‘Hood.

In this recent Travel & Leisure magazine article, the journalist listed the 24 most beautiful places in Mexico, with our tiny fishing and farming village, El Pescadero, taking the prestigious

Travel & Leisure Magazine Loves MEA Baja’s ‘Hood.

The Re-Emergence of Intergenerational Friendships.

Where are the daycare centers located next door to senior centers? How might we re-architect society to take us back to an era when three generations lived under the same

The Re-Emergence of Intergenerational Friendships.

“Learn, Unlearn, Relearn.”

In a world that’s changing faster than ever, our mindsets need to evolve faster as well. What are three things you need to “unlearn” in the next year to prepare

“Learn, Unlearn, Relearn.”

“What Happens in Vagueness, Stays in Vagueness….”

Though it might sound like a marketing line from a place that doesn’t resemble MEA, the statement is profoundly true, or as Brené Brown puts it, “Clear is kind.” Unclear

“What Happens in Vagueness, Stays in Vagueness….”

Close Call.

Yes, our Baja campus had one of those this weekend with Hurricane Hilary hitting the northern part of Baja rather than us in the south. Ironically, our MEA workshop that

Close Call.

What’s True in Searching for Self?

While I suppose I’m not alone in this type of reflection, to be honest, it’s been an eye-opening, somewhat confusing, mind-bending process where I begin not to trust what I

What’s True in Searching for Self?

Post-Workshop Reflection from Filmmaker and Entrepreneur Stacy Peralta.

Every week, people of all ages and from a wide variety of careers gather together in an immersive experience to dive into curriculum designed to help better understand ourselves as

Post-Workshop Reflection from Filmmaker and Entrepreneur Stacy Peralta.

Semi-Retirees Know the Key to Work-Life Balance.

Semi-retirees tend to look for roles that grant a sense of purpose, the ability to keep learning, and, perhaps more than anything, flexibility. As quoted in the article, “Those lucky

Semi-Retirees Know the Key to Work-Life Balance.

I’m So Excited About My Next Book!

I’ve been gestating this next book for a few years. Having had the worst and best in times between 45-55 and having lost a few male friends to suicide who

I’m So Excited About My Next Book!

The Rising Importance of Older Workers.

But, along the way, I’ve occasionally wondered whether a variety of other influences—ageism, employers’ preference for the more digitally savvy, and global economic conditions—might suppress the message conveyed in my

The Rising Importance of Older Workers.

Your Wisdom is as Unique as Your Fingerprints.

Every human being has their own innate wisdom, and your life’s work is to unlock and unleash it. Yet, the question arises: where do you find the tools to discover

Your Wisdom is as Unique as Your Fingerprints.